Saturday, April 27, 2013

earn your little time to big wallet...



The Revenue Share model, if tweaked to comply with certain laws, and if used with a product/service that is more in demand, can continue to create serious income for many people, even the passive person who never referred a single member.....and this is what everyone is after.

AddWallet has fashioned itself from the Revenue Share model but it also offers a very useful advertising platform for it's members to display their various programs, with many further powerful products soon to be released - in short, AW is developing itself as a promotional powerhouse for its members.  Personally?  It's already been building several of my programs - a serious bonus.

Four businessmen, with over 20-years experience in owning and running multi-million dollar online internet businesses that sold website traffic, SEO marketing, etc.  When they discovered the the Revenue Share model as developed and proved by ZeekRewards, they decided in January of 2013 to create a new business, designed around what was probably the greatest compensation plan ever created, the Zeek "Revenue Share" model.  Their approach is proving itself yet again, right now.

Zeek, of course, was brought down by zealous tax bureaucrats in the USA, so management quickly realized that AW had to be 100% "legit" and "compliant."  It was also obvious that it should be based in a more business-friendly environment.

Luis Cordero (CEO of AdWallet) created AddWallet with a purpose. In his Mission Statement he said he wanted to: "Create The Best Home Based Money Making Vehicle In the World!"

How and What and Where...

* AddWallet is owned by "Cartera International," an Ecuadorian-based legal corporation.  AddWallet is completely offshore for freedom and privacy.

* AddWallet is going to drive a tremendous amount of traffic to everyone's websites, including major corporations, and generate "A Massive Advertising Revenue For Its Members Passively!"

* AddWallet's attorneys & management team worked tremendously to ensure they are not shut down for any reason whatsoever!

* AddWallet's management team collectively has over 20 years industry-related experience!

* Soft launch beta testing began January 18, 2013 so the timing is excellent to get involved.

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