Wednesday, May 1, 2013


           How we handle stress depends upon our attitude.  Attitude can also affect the way stress handles us.  Optimists are able to cope more effectively with stress.  It also reduces their chances of developing a stress-related illness.  When optimistic people do become ill, they tend to recover more quickly.

            Pessimists are likely to deny the problem, distance themselves from the stressful event, focus on stressful feelings, or allow the stressor to in interfere with achieving a goal.  People with a more pessimistic attitude tend to report poorer health compared to people with optimistic attitudes.

            People with positive attitudes view situations differently from those with negative attitudes.  Here are some general statements. Think about how you would respond to them.

·         In times of uncertainty,
o        I usually expect the best.
o        I usually expect the worst.
·         I look on the,
o        Bright side of things.
o        Dark side of things.
·         I,
o        Hardly ever expect things to go my way.
o        Do not always expect things to go my way; when they don’t, I try to learn something from the experience.

Attitudes can even be detected in the words we use.  For example, “I won’t,” indicates choice, whereas “I can’t” indicates powerlessness.

            Our attitudes develop from the time we are children.  It is difficult for pessimists to change overnight.  One way to start developing a more positive attitude is through “thought stopping.”  Start by noticing your attitude in various situations to see if you have a more pessimistic view.

            The next time you are thinking or saying a pessimistic comment, picture a big, red STOP sign stopping the negative thought.  Then replace that thought, or the statement, with a more positive or optimistic statement, with a more positive or optimistic statement.

            If you feel that your negative attitude toward life could be affecting your health, there are several books on positive thinking available in the market that may give you a lot of help.


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